Tuesday, June 26, 2012


there are quite a few hitchhikers around the island.
sometimes they look like nice people who you could be friends with
others, well not so much..

as joey and i drive back and forth through some of the close towns to la'ie
we see these hitchhikers and joey is always trying to pick them up.
i on the other hand protest and make him keep driving.
is it the right thing to do?
i dont know..
but i do know i feel safer in my car when there are no strangers in it..

but today was the day
as joey and i were driving away from a shopping center in pupukea
we saw a young man on the side of the road,
and yes his thumb was sticking out.
joey said we should pick him up and didnt leave me room to protest.
granted he was a very nice looking young man,
dressed in slacks and a button up shirt.
he asked if we could take him to kahuku the next town over
and we obliged.
and so we met Kevin...

he and joey made small talk, i mostly sat quiet, thinking that we didnt have anything to give him, he was sitting behind me.. if he had a knife he could stick it right through my seat. would he want our car? my wedding rings? (thanks dad for making me so skeptical of everyone and everything) but nothing happend, we went a few miles and dropped our hitchhiker off on the side of the road.
we was a nice young man, im sure.. i didnt really listen
but joey seemed to like him.
and i am glad he didnt have to wait in the rain for someone else, or walk all the way.
im still uber sketchy about the whole thing
but im glad we could help.

ps- i secretly wanted to take pictures of him because i knew i would be blogging about this the minute he got in the car.. but no such luck :)

love, the williams

Sunday, June 10, 2012

"Our" Bench

Joey and i have a bench..
its not really our bench..
but it is..

you see this bench is just down a cobblestone path that's starts at our door and ends on the cliff that we live on overlooking the ocean.
surrounded by bright green bushes it is a lovely old bench..
it used to be painted red but time and the ocean have stripped this bench mostly back to its natural wood. when joey and i found said bench we did what any normal person would do..
carved our initials into it and claimed it as our own.

so now it is our bench..

love, the Williams

there is our cute little bench tucked away in those bushes

we claimed it, it's ours
the view i get from our bench

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

What did the daddy tomato say to the baby tomato?

Lets Ketchup!!

wow, i have been away for about two months and so much as happened.. so lets get to it ya?

*first and foremost, joey and i moved to hawaii, hooray for adventure
*i don't have to miss the mountains because i live on one!
*we both got new bikes, yay for bike rides
*my bike has a basket
*the place we live in doesn't have a kitchen..
*not even a sink.. except for in the bathroom
*we have already bought snorkeling gear and used it once at sharks cove
*we went on the most ah-may-zing hike
*we went on a catamaran ride, i got sick boo
*before we came to hawaii we went to vegas
*and california
*oh and mexico! i even got a passport :) i was excited, i've never been
*joey got a job on campus as the NCAA coordinator
*i still don't have a job
*we went to the temple!
*we have a movie theater in our town, it plays two movies! i like it
*i call my mom, A LOT
*i miss my family, of course.. how could i not, my family is awesome, duh!
*we have a wonderful church ward, seriously the best i could have asked for
*all the sports start earlier out here.. everything is on in the afternoon
*there is a four hour time difference from utah
*joey is enjoying his new surf board
*the kahuku grill is the most delicious food in the entire world.. hands down, no joke
*i am never going to be able to pronounce the street/city names correctly, i sound like such a kook
*joeys brother robert and his girlfriend jenna live on the island too

im sure even more than that has happened, stay tuned for some more regularly posted events in our lives.. but to hold you over for now enjoy some pictures. hoorrraayyyy!!

our hike

joeys turn

one of the many views from our hike, that point out there on the left is where we live!

my bike :)

i do love my mom <3

our cute car

these two things make me happy

our "kitchen" hahaha

sharks cove

laie temple :)

have a wonderful week
love, the williams