Sunday, December 16, 2012

Meet our puppy, Duke!

Joey and I have known that we wanted a puppy for quite some time now. We both grew up with dogs and we have always loved them. One fine December day as we were wandering around the local mall (which isn't so local since its like 40 minutes away) we were discussing what we wanted to do for each other for Christmas this year. We were going back and forth on a few ideas and trying to decide how to make it all work, then we happened upon the pet store in the mall..
we were in trouble!!
This pet store always has the cutest puppies and this day was no exception. As we walked around we seriously thought about buying one of the cutest store pups. The price tag on these guys was just a little to much for us to spend though and we just didn't think we could make it work.
Then in a moment of pure genius Joey pulled out his phone and hopped on craigslist and started looking up puppies. We found a few we liked, called around to some people and waited for them to call us back. When we finally settled on the breed we met a sweet lady in a walmart parking lot and she showed us her little brood of six week old puppies. They were all males and they were all so cute! They are a dachshund/terrier mix and we picked the one whose face was smooshed the most and was the most timid. Our sweet little guy sat in the corner and had the biggest cutest round eyes, it was love at first sight and we had found our dog.
Naming him on the other hand proved to be a bit of trouble.. we went back and forth on names all night. We knew we wanted something Hawaiian but picking a Hawaiian name is rough! We finally settled on Duke, which many of you are probably thinking, oh that is not very Hawaiian, but it is after The Duke, the grandfather of surfing. We love our sweet little guy and all the fun we have had with him so far. he is eight weeks old now and already he looks so much bigger! I can not wait for all the fun adventures we are going to have together as our little family!
the night we brought him home, how can you not love that face!
love, the williams