Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Years Resolutions

have you ever done a new years resolution?? and actually followed through??
now that is the question! haha i have spent many a year making resolutions only to uphold them for about a month (or two if I'm lucky) and then just fall back into my old ways or whatever is comfortable. 

well this is year is going to be different....
because I'm blogging about it, which now means all of you will know about my resolutions and if by some off chance i see one of you and you happen to ask me about them, i better be able to say my resolutions are going great!!
(and if i cant say that.. well, how embarrassing!)

another precaution to helping me keep my resolutions.. I'm making realistic ones! Shocker!!
so here we go..

2012 New Years Resolutions:
*write one blog a week
*drink two sodas a week
*read the book of Mormon with the hubbsters
*read the doctrine and covenants
*start my own etsy shop
*lose five pounds/tone my body
*save $200 out of each paycheck

those are my goals so far this year, as i am able to cross them off i will update you all and of course as the year progresses more will be added into the mix!

happy new year resolutions everyone!
the Williams

Thursday, January 5, 2012

feels so good to be back!!

as some of you may know, Joey and I recently moved to a new apartment! hooray for us, right?? RIGHT! 
only problem is that meant we needed to get everything set up in our new place.. you know all the boring stuff..
..address changes..
..moving furniture..
..unpacking boxes..
..stocking up on food..
...oh and that pesky little thing called the Internet...

that pesky little thing, for some reason, took us the longest to check off our list. today is our first official day with Internet since we moved in right after thanksgiving, and let me tell you, I'm soooooo excited!! finally can come back to blogging and saving my pictures that we have taken over the last month, ahh it feels so nice!
just to catch you up a little bit we spent thanksgiving with my family this year and it was wonderful to spend some time with my parents and siblings. we enjoyed some good football and delicious food! and after we finished my mom had us play a thanksgiving game that made us answer different question about thanksgiving some were historical, others were recalling favorite thanksgiving memories. it was fun to listen to every ones answers and enjoy each others company.

then the hectic days of christmas were upon us and i couldn't believe it.. even though I'd been preparing for it all year.. i had most of my shopping done  and everything wrapped pretty early into december and i loved seeing it all under the tree. joey and i enjoyed some wonderful christmas programs at our church meetings which helped us feel and remember more the meaning of christmas. we were blessed this year to be able to spend the holiday with both sides of our family. Christmas eve we had a wonderful dinner with laurie and doug. my parents even came up and had some dinner with us! we had our niece london put on the birth of christ christmas puppet show for the family. then all the friends and my family left and we had our christmas with joeys family, we had so much fun sharing presents with each other and watching the excitement of london open up her presents. there is something magical about a young child on christmas! then joey and i went home and had our little christmas together that same night because we had to wake up early to go to my parents house so we could be there when Elder Alameda called us! We had a wonderful first christmas together as our little family and we spoiled each other its true.. thanks babe i love my kindle fire!! we woke up at the crack of dawn and packed up all the goodies and drove down to my parents house where we waited patiently for Dustin to call.. and waited, and waited, and waited.. to no avail! he never called that morning!! we got through our disappointment hoping he would call later that day and went along with our christmas breakfast and then opening up presents as a family. after much needed naps and some yummy christmas dinner joey came up with the wonderful idea to call Dustin's mission house and track him down. it took a few minutes but we were finally able to get a hold of him and the minute he was on the phone, not even with me might i add, i started to cry.. pathetic i know! but i cant help it. it is so much different to have a missionary out of the country, i cant explain it but its definitely harder.. might also be that he is my little brother and the baby of the family who knows! but when it was finally my turn to talk i held it together pretty good and it was so good to talk to him. i broke down when i said goodbye but i know he is doing well and having a blast serving the lord!

our christmas present from my parents this year was a family trip to disneylnd! i was stoked i love disneyland and we haven't been for over six years! i know shocking.. well it it when we used to go twice a year every year.. we drove to vegas and stayed a night.. the continued on to Anaheim the next morning. we hit the beach and joey surfed then we went back to grab some grub with josh and the gang. we woke up the next morning ready for a fun day at the parks.. well almost everyone.. unfortunately joey wasn't feeling to hot.. we deduced that he got food poisoning from the food we ate the night before.. dang you baja fresh!! joey stuck around for a total of three rides and a picture before he had to head back to the hotel and take a nap, he tried to come back but that didn't go to well, and lets just say disneyland will always have a part of joey..eww.. All in all it was a fun little trip and some good quality time. now its back to real life and work.. hooray.. sense me sarcasm.. ya its there :) 

happy new year everyone!!

the williams
joey on the beach of course :)

at least we got to snap a picture before he had to leave!

GQ even in 3D shades!

epic fail? NEGATIVE!!!!

Mickey hands!

chip and dale :)

silly chip... or dale?

good ol' donald duck!

uh oh mickey!! hands off my hubby!!