Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Years Resolutions

have you ever done a new years resolution?? and actually followed through??
now that is the question! haha i have spent many a year making resolutions only to uphold them for about a month (or two if I'm lucky) and then just fall back into my old ways or whatever is comfortable. 

well this is year is going to be different....
because I'm blogging about it, which now means all of you will know about my resolutions and if by some off chance i see one of you and you happen to ask me about them, i better be able to say my resolutions are going great!!
(and if i cant say that.. well, how embarrassing!)

another precaution to helping me keep my resolutions.. I'm making realistic ones! Shocker!!
so here we go..

2012 New Years Resolutions:
*write one blog a week
*drink two sodas a week
*read the book of Mormon with the hubbsters
*read the doctrine and covenants
*start my own etsy shop
*lose five pounds/tone my body
*save $200 out of each paycheck

those are my goals so far this year, as i am able to cross them off i will update you all and of course as the year progresses more will be added into the mix!

happy new year resolutions everyone!
the Williams

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