Monday, March 3, 2014

Four months

You my dear are four months old. You amaze us each and everyday not only with all you do but how much joy you bring to our little family. 

I am convinced that you are going to one tall kid, you wont quit growing. You now weigh about 16 pounds and are about 27 inches long! A lot has started happening this month, you completely hold your head up on your own now and you even enjoy tummy time.. most of the time! You even rolled over for the first time this month. You were pretty surprised once it happened and gave is one of your famous bright bug eyed looks, don't worry though you'll soon learn to love this :)

You have experienced your first thanksgiving, even if you are on a liquid diet, hopefully you were able to get a hint of those yummy flavors because I sure did eat a ton!! We had thanksgiving on the beach with our Hawaiian family and it was a blast. A wonderfully warm evening at gas chambers, surrounded by delicious food, lots of laughter and of course splash splashing in the ocean waves as the sun sets. It was quite possibly the best thanksgiving we've ever had (sorry mom and dad!) 

You're exploring your toys, your hands, your feet and your whole little world around you. You are a huge flirt who loves to smile at everyone, and these smiles are still the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I just adore spending my days with you. The joy that you bring me and the happiness you add to our little family is truly wonderful. I can't even imagine life with out you now and look forward to your next milestones as they all come WAY to fast!

 Slow down little man and enjoy being little. We love you. 

Love, the Williams

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