Saturday, August 27, 2011

FHE in the Williams household

Monday night rolled around, Joey picked me up from work because he is an amazing husband.. and because we only have one car, no big deal he is still amazing.. when he doesn't forget me.. but he is still amazing! We had no plans thought about what to do, realized it was Monday night which means family home evening for us.. but it is just the two of us.. and we are good at it i promise but this week we spent some quality time together on the golf course. I watched as Joey hit some balls at the range and we got to talk and just relax with the wonderful weather. We also saw some friends there, so apparently we are not the only ones who think hitting range balls is a perfectly acceptable family home evening activity!
Afterwards we treated ourselves to one of our favorite custard places in Bountiful, Nielsen's Frozen Custard!! We just got one, my current favorite, chocolate chip cookie dough and sat in the parking lot and ate our hearts out.. really this stuff is incredibly delicious!! I think it is so wonderful that we can have so much fun together doing the simplest of things, another wonderful family home evening with my hubby.. next time we'll do better..

Joey hitting his range balls

our yummy treat :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Oil changes and air filters

When Joey and I became BIG and bought are car together we anticipated our first oil change, and as we saw the mileage add up and it came round to that time we watched as we didn't ever change out oil.. (don't tell my dad!!) Finally it got to the point where I couldn't take it any longer and I called Joey while he was at work and asked him what I needed to do, where I should go and what I should get! Once I had all the critical information I got online to check out the business hours and of course to see if there were any coupons, who doesn't want to save a buck?! I found a coupon but every time I tried to print it out it wouldn't let me!! LAME! Oh well, moving on I headed down to the local Jiffy Lube and got in line, they took my car from me, I got to go inside and get a free soda and enjoy a People Magazine while they assessed the damage of my oil and took care of all my needs.
Now my only problem is that my being a girl and going to do this by myself, I sometimes feel like they try and take advantage of me. After they did there checks they called me back to go over my "options" and one such option was charging me about 30 bucks to have them change my air filter for me. I hemmed and hawed and eventually told them no, but the young man kept insisting how much better gas mileage I would get and yada, yada, yada.. I know he is right but who is to say they are actually showing me MY air filter, maybe they just have some really dirty,yucky air filter hanging around and they show it to people and trick them into spending to much money on having your air filter changed.. Maybe not.. but that's what I think about when I got into places like these. So I told them no and walked out of there with an oil change and a delicious dinner with my hubby :)
But that still meant that we had to check our air filter and see if it really was as yucky as they said. Once we realized our filter was pretty disgusting we drove to our Auto Zone, not napa auto parts because Joey doesn't like there song haha and bought a new air filter then went out into the parking lot and Joey taught me where the air filters go and how to put them in, but not until after I got some pictures!!

The new air filter, I didn't realize it was on the Spanish side till after I took the picture, OH WELL!

the old and the new side by side, YUCK!

check out that butterfly!!

Joey putting the filter in :)

change makes me nervous.. really, really nervous!

Once Joey and I got married I moved to Bountiful and I didn't really think much about how how it would affect me, or my work or anything practical like that (your not really practical when your in love, are you?) One thing that didn't even cross my mind was my new commute to my job in Draper. I figured it wasn't awful and I'd be able to do it no problem, but working in a daycare there are always ebbs and flows with the consistency of enrollment. Summer is one of our slower times and we weren't seeing a lot of kids at the daycare which also meant I was not seeing as many hours at the daycare as I have been used to the last three years. Before I knew it I felt like I was working to pay to put gas in my car to come back to work! The commute just became to much, and TOO EXPENSIVE!! Something had to be done, I started looking for a new job. It was sad and scary but I needed something that would be closer to where we live. When you work somewhere for so long you get into that comfort zone, and mine was so comfortable I never wanted to leave! I had a couple of interviews but nothing was seeming to really go through or I was having insane anxiety attacks over the place I was interviewing with and would literally have dreams about the horrible experience it would be to work for them. Until I walked into this place, it looked wonderful, the people seemed nice and friendly and I thought OK, OK, I can do this.. RIGHT?? After a few interviews and a couple tours around the building I was offered the job! Only one catch, I had to pass the background check, which shouldn't be that big of a problem since I am already currently working at a daycare.. wrong!! The director made this background check sound like it was the DEVIL! Like it was the evil of all evils, and then I started panicking, am I going to pass the evil of all evils?? It took about six days to get the results back, and they were the longest six days of my life!! I was convinced that for some reason I wasn't going to pass, ask Joey I wouldn't stop talking about it I was extremely nervous!!
But as it turns out I was nervous for nothing, because they saw how awesome I am (yes I am..) and they offered me the job!! I am now the proud worker at a daycare in Bountiful only a few miles from my home saving Joey and I a ton of gas money and miles on our car, HOORAY!! getting used to the new place is still a little stressful but I know that it is the best move for our little family and it is going to be a wonderful transition in the future :)