Sunday, August 14, 2011

change makes me nervous.. really, really nervous!

Once Joey and I got married I moved to Bountiful and I didn't really think much about how how it would affect me, or my work or anything practical like that (your not really practical when your in love, are you?) One thing that didn't even cross my mind was my new commute to my job in Draper. I figured it wasn't awful and I'd be able to do it no problem, but working in a daycare there are always ebbs and flows with the consistency of enrollment. Summer is one of our slower times and we weren't seeing a lot of kids at the daycare which also meant I was not seeing as many hours at the daycare as I have been used to the last three years. Before I knew it I felt like I was working to pay to put gas in my car to come back to work! The commute just became to much, and TOO EXPENSIVE!! Something had to be done, I started looking for a new job. It was sad and scary but I needed something that would be closer to where we live. When you work somewhere for so long you get into that comfort zone, and mine was so comfortable I never wanted to leave! I had a couple of interviews but nothing was seeming to really go through or I was having insane anxiety attacks over the place I was interviewing with and would literally have dreams about the horrible experience it would be to work for them. Until I walked into this place, it looked wonderful, the people seemed nice and friendly and I thought OK, OK, I can do this.. RIGHT?? After a few interviews and a couple tours around the building I was offered the job! Only one catch, I had to pass the background check, which shouldn't be that big of a problem since I am already currently working at a daycare.. wrong!! The director made this background check sound like it was the DEVIL! Like it was the evil of all evils, and then I started panicking, am I going to pass the evil of all evils?? It took about six days to get the results back, and they were the longest six days of my life!! I was convinced that for some reason I wasn't going to pass, ask Joey I wouldn't stop talking about it I was extremely nervous!!
But as it turns out I was nervous for nothing, because they saw how awesome I am (yes I am..) and they offered me the job!! I am now the proud worker at a daycare in Bountiful only a few miles from my home saving Joey and I a ton of gas money and miles on our car, HOORAY!! getting used to the new place is still a little stressful but I know that it is the best move for our little family and it is going to be a wonderful transition in the future :)

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