Sunday, September 18, 2011

Rise and Shout Bri and Joey went out!!

I am very blessed to have such a wonderful brother, who is very thoughtful and understands how much I really do enjoy football.. and seeing as I have a birthday right around the corner about a week ago he came over to my place to hang out.. or so I thought.. He was in the door for maybe two seconds before he whipped two byu vs utah tickets out of his pocket!!He totally surprised me!! (and it was a really good surprise) AHHH!! Excited much?? Oh, you know, just completely!! It was all I could do to contain myself through the week to make it to game day..

The big day finally was upon us, Joey was really excited to since it had been so long since he had been to a BYU game, plus I told him when we got there that we could get him a new BYU hat, sometimes I just gotta bribe him with a little something.. We flew down to Provo.. not literally, just drove really fast.. but we got to the game just in time to grab a couple cougar dogs and find our awesome seats! Granted we were on the visitors side, right by the tunnel where the UTES came out, which was pretty awesome to see them all coming out, but it also meant we were surrounded by UTE fans!! They were all sooooo nice though and really fun to be around.

Scarfing down hot dogs, we were ready for kick-off.. and let me tell you.. it didn't start well!!! It was a really sloppy game the whole way through on BYU's part but they made the first half really fun and entertaining to watch. It was a close game all through out the first half and we got to see plenty of action down on our end.. as well as a TON of turnovers :( Once we came back for the second half you could tell, as Joey would say, BYU just didn't make the adjustments they needed to make and UTAH most definitely did. Exploiting all of BYU's weaknesses and running the ball like crazy. Before we knew it the game went from 10-14 to 10-30.. then 10-40.. then when it his 10-47 late in he fourth quarter we decided we'd had enough fun and adventure over at lavell edwards stadium and headed back to our car. Even though BYU lost (or got massacred.. whatever) it was still a blast to be there and to enjoy watching a team that I love show me a little bit of hope that maybe someday we'll get back to where we once were..

Here's to hoping BYU..

Our Tickets! THANKS JOSH!!

Utes coming out of their tunnel.. look at that guy muggin my camera..

Ready for kick-off!!

a little game time action :)

outside the stadium :)

a little Jake Heaps love.. to bad he fumbled..

we found out Brigham Young is a UTE fan!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Reading the Book of Mormon

So as I am sure many of you know who are LDS and I'm sure many who are not, there has been a page going around on Facebook challenging people to read the Book of Mormon. Not just to read it though, but to read it by December 31, 2011!! So I decided to accept this challenge, but since it is not just me in my little family I have Joey reading with me. I am very excited for us to read this together, seeing as we have both read the Book of Mormon before on our own but now we have the wonderful opportunity to read it together. Of course we will be able to read this many times together, by ourselves and with our growing family as we progress on our adventure. Since we have a deadline to finish by, I got online and googled a reading plan, so in order to finish by December 31 we have to read two chapters a day, or 4.5 pages a day and the wonderful plan has it all written out for us on what we need to read each day, then we get to mark it off so we can stay on track. We have only been going for two days but so far I love having this time to bond with my husband and grow together spiritually. 2 days down, many more to go!!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Hoooray for Swiss Days

If your a woman, and your addicted to pointless crafts that decorate your home and some awesome and amazingly cheap jewelry and baby clothes and pretty much anything you can think of then you should have made it down to Midway this weekend for the wonderful, amazing, stupendous SWISS DAYS!! It is by far the most wonderful craft fair in the world.. well that I've been to any way..

They have booths upon booths upon booths of stuff, filled with the now Utah famous bumbles, awesome Christmas paper from the Swiss chalet, or touch piece jewelry(one of my FAVES!) There are endless baby booths with everything you can imagine in them from burp rags to tutus its all so cute, to bad I don't have a little one or I would have bought it all.. eh, maybe it's a good thing I don't yet..
You can find any type of home decor you would wish, any hair accessories you can fathom and even manage to pick up a matching tie set for your husband and little man. I'm telling you people they think of everything!! I suggest sending your husband to play golf, get a babysitter for your kids and find some girlfriends and shop till you drop! It's only once a year and as far as I'm concerned it's well worth it and well deserved :)

This year I had to venture out on my own, I usually always go with my mommy, but seeing as I recently changed jobs I couldn't get Friday off and that's the only day my mom goes because she is convinced it's the best day to go.. I beg to differ but that's for another time..
So in order for me to go I had to wake up around 5:00 am and take Joey to work..shocking I know!! Me waking up so early on a Saturday morning!! But its Swiss Days its a must! Once i got back from taking Joey I tried to catch a couple more ZzZz's but I was to excited for the day ahead of me, I tossed and I turned for about 20 minutes before I couldn't take it anymore and I jumped (literally jumped) out of bed and started getting ready.. I finished getting ready a half hour before I really needed to leave and you can't get there to early because the booths don't open till 8:00.. so I twiddled my thumbs, cleaned a little, let Joey a note and finally looked at the clock to realize it was time, I COULD LEAVE! Racing out the door, I got in the car belted up and sped away! I had my breakfast in hand, good 'ol diet coke (my mom would be so proud) I set out to find my way to Midway! Thank goodness for my handy dandy navigator on my phone or else I probably never would have found it! You see I've never come from the north before, so it was all new and unfamiliar territory. But Mrs. GPS didn't let me get lost not even for one second, here is where I say thank you :)
Upon arriving in Midway a short hour and five minute drive later I meander through main street trying to remember where my favorite place to park is. Every year we park in the same little old lady's ranch pasture she has, it's right off main street and only costs five bucks, SCORE! Plus this is the cutest little lady you have ever seen, and I mean EVER!
Once I parked I made my way across main street and into the town center where everything is set up. My eyes were huge, I had to see everything!! So I slowly but surely made my way to each booth, some weren't my style, I don't need a dream catcher, so I would politely skip that one and continue onward. The ultimate goal is to get through before it gets to hot and to crowded, and boy can I tell you I kicked that goals trash this year!! I was in and out within three hours, I'm pretty sure that is a Swiss days record, go ahead look it up.
Of course you cant leave without buying a scone, and we're not talking any scone we are talking the most delicious scone you have ever tasted in your whole life and they're massive too! So on my way out I grabbed a scone sat down in the sun and enjoyed a little piece of heaven, it was the perfect way to end the perfect trip to my second favorite place on earth.. first favorite it Disneyland.. duh..

leaving all by my lonesome
Nutritious and delicious :)

beautiful view on the way

worlds best scone, hands down!!

Oakland temple.. shh its a Christmas present..

Magnet board with adorable magnets

witchy, witchy, screamy, screamy, happy, happy, HALLOWEENY!
(i couldn't possibly resist)

new bumbles watch face and bands!! hoorayyyy :)

cutest alphabet flip chart book and cd for my preschool class