Monday, July 9, 2012

My OH My, The 4th of July!

every year when the fourth of July comes around it is always one of my favorites. it makes me feel so proud of the country i live in and the men and women who fight for my freedom.
of course the usual BBQ'S, friends and family and fireworks don't hurt either :)

this year was a little different from those of the past. it was my first holiday away from family, and the first one spent in Hawaii. Luckily we have a wonderful landlord and she took some time out of her day to take us out to a little lunch. we enjoyed her company and a wonderful meal!

our plan for the rest of the day was to at some point end up at turtle bay to watch the firework show.
other than that it was a lazy day, spent with the hubsters lounging around.
we packed a few snacks and some blankets and headed down to turtle bay around six in the evening.
we got there early enough to enjoy some beach time, eat our snacks and watch a beautiful sunset documented with a ton of pictures of course!

when it came time to see the fireworks we packed up our beach stuff and went off in search of a place to sit for the fireworks. not even two seconds after we set down our blanket did it start to rain, and we are not just talking sprinkles, we are talking hardcore rain! we grabbed our blanket and ran for the cover of an inflatable slide, pulled our blanket over our head because of course we didn't bring an umbrella, why would we have been smart enough to do something like that?
the rain let up a few minutes later and the show went off without any further hitches, a few more sprinkles but at this point who cared. the sky was being lit up and thunderous booms were going off. i was in awe and a few more sprinkles wouldn't hurt anything. Its a good thing I'm not the wicked witch of the west, no melting for us on this rainy day!!

i was so patriotic in my red jeans and blue and white shirt :)

love this man

the sunset

firework show!

and then we got wet, thanks rain!

more fireworks of course..

love, the Williams

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