Sunday, July 1, 2012

portuguese man o'war, beaches, and birthdays

what a week it has been!! time just seems to be flying by so far.
one of joey's favorite things to do is go surfing, and its not unlike him to come home from work and be right back out the door surfboars in tow. but on one unfortunate surfing expidition last friday joey came home with more than just his surfboard..

as he was paddling back in from the lineup he all of a sudden felt this pain on his left arm, as he looked to see what was going on he was suprised to see a tentacle wrapped around him.
luckily he had been wearing a shirt that day and was able to take that off and use it to pull the tentacle off of his arm. when he got home you could say i was just a little worried about him.
we immiediatly found some vinegar to put on his wound, and then began googling how to take care of these types of stings. we found out he had most likely come in contact with a portugues man o'war and proceeded with trying to clean it and make sure all the stingers were out. the pain went away and he was left with some pretty gnarly bumps that slowly went away and now look like chicken pox spots!

the portuguese man o'war damage

since being on the island we have been able to visit a lot of the beaches around our town. but since yesterday was a special occasion we met up with robert and jenna and had a fun beach day for roberts birthday. we met up in haleiwa and hung out on the haleiwa beach park!

we pitched a tent and hung out in the sun all day! it was so warm, im suprised no one got sunburnt (thank you sunscreen)
robert, joey, and jenna all took turns on a paddle board, we all enjoyed dips in the warm ocean water and joey and i even rented a two person kayak. we took it up the river and out on the ocean to see some turtles. it was a great adventure but man are my arms sore!! we also grilled up some delicious corn, hamburgers and hotdogs!! so yummy!

all of us, getting ready to leave the beach and continue our celebration at the movie theater. it was such a wonderful day and a great way to celebrate with family. Happy birthday robert, hopefully you enjoyed your special day!!

love, the williams

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