Tuesday, October 1, 2013

One Month Old

I cannot believe that you, my dear, are already one month old. It feels like yesterday that we were in the hospital waiting your arrival. Now here we are one month later and oh how you have changed!

you are now 11 pounds and 23 inches long, quite the difference from when you were born. You're breastfeeding like a champ, most days it feels like that is all we do.. well it is all we do. Eat, play, poop and sleep then repeat. speaking of sleep you are hit and miss these days. the first few weeks started out so well and lately you have been deciding to sleep a few hours at night and then stay awake a few hours. Or you like to wake up every hour just for fun :) i know this time soon will pass so i try not to worry about it to much.

you have recently found your hands and feet. always kicking them about and sticking hands in your mouth or pulling on your ear. You have also begun to smile, and not just gassy smiles that happen with out you knowing it. I mean full on look at me mom I'm smiling, smiles! they are magical. 

your favorite thing to do is stare out windows. you love to see the light and listen to the wind blowing. as long as someone is standing next to you, you could stare out the window for minutes on end. 

you are a huge cuddler, always wanting to be held and snuggled close. I love to hold you and smell your sweet baby smell. However this also causes you to not like to be left to your own devices, you can only stand to be set down for short time periods. 

you love to sit in your swing, and are not so thrilled about your bouncer. 

you love to stare at things and are always taking everything in around you. your eyes are currently blue and we are both hoping that they stay that way but only time will tell. You also have your dads blond hair but some of that has started to fall out causing you to rock a baby mullet. luckily your hair is so light that you can't really tell yet.

we are excited to see what new things will happen over this next month of your life. we love watching your grow and learn. 

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