Tuesday, October 4, 2011

i am a library member!

it's official i am a brand new member of the south davis library!! i knew i had to do something about bringing in new books to my classroom when i left my old job. you see at skool days they offered scholastic book orders which i loved since they scholastic offered books for quite a reasonable price.. each book order form had books as low as one, two and three dollars!! i mean how could you resist?? (i could not!! and usually spent about 40 bucks on books every few months eeek) The kids in my class totally loved when our book orders would come in and they were special books that they knew they had to be very careful with because when they were done with them they had to return them to the teacher shelf and ask permission to use them. i was spending so much of my own money that i wanted the books to stay in nice condition with the intention that when i have children of my own they can take over the books and have a nice size library already started for them. (good idea right? ya i thought so too..)

but then i started my new job teaching preschool at kindercare and they are wonderful about giving you books each classroom has its own special library where children can check out books and teachers can read from for their story time.. only one problem.. my classroom reads a lot of books!! we have already gone through most of our own special library and i was starting to wonder what i was going to do, just start from the beginning and read them all again?? come on, how boring is that?! i know that there are some favorite books that we have to read again every once in a while, like "Pinkalicious" great book and the kids love it.. but when your reading it everyday.. it gets old.. fast!

i had to think of something to do, A) because i was spending to much money on the scholastic book orders and B) because kindercare doesn't even offer scholastic book offers!! haha then i had a great idea, why not go down to the local library and check out some books from there?? hello light bulb! so today after work i wandered on down to the local library, found my way down to the kids section.. which was the whole bottom floor! they have so many books to choose from, my heart started doing flips in my tummy i was so excited!! i had written down a list of books i wanted to look up since our unit for the next few weeks in on pets that is what i mainly wanted to focus on in my book selection. i found so many great books and grabbed as many as i could carry and headed back upstairs to get my new library card and check out. now i haven't had a library card since i was little and i lived in california, and back in the good ol' days all i needed to get my library card was prove i could write my own name (i struggled a little bit) so i wasn't expecting much when i went to sign up for a new card and then the librarian asked me for two forms of i.d.!! two! i couldn't believe it, i needed to have a picture i.d. and something with my address on it, my heart sank.. i didn't have anything with my address on it.. i did not come prepared to the library and now i was going to have to go home without any of my treasured books. But upon announcing this to the librarian she comforted my fears and asked if i had my car registration or insurance card on me, phew i had those in the car!! she was so smart, that's why they pay her the big bucks! so i got my new library card and all of my great new books that i get to keep until november, four whole weeks!

so the trip was a success, hoorrraayy! my students are going to be so excited when i show them our new treasures tomorrow i just cant wait!!

the library!!

all my wonderful books I got!!

my new library card :)

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