Friday, October 19, 2012

La'ie Falls Hike

As Joey and I were pondering what to do one fine Hawaiian evening, we decided that a hike might be nice. There were a few that we had been wanting to check out around the area but we hadn't gotten to yet. We narrowed down our choices to the La'ie Falls Hike! Hooray!!
We had been talking to friends about this hike and all we heard were positive things so we were pumped to check it out! Joey was a wee bit tired since he had a long day of school and work so we let him rest a little bit and set out on our hike around four p.m. Now keep in mind, we had talked to many, MANY, people about this hike and even googled it multiple times. We only got good feedback about this hike. As we parked the car we realized a few things..
1) we were starting kind of late
2) we didn't bring any water (DOH!)
3) do we need a permit for this?
4) that sign says we need a permit (oops!)
It took us a while to find the trail head, we had to walk through some private property first but we arrived and started the hike. It was easy going, a gradual incline but very wide open paths. There were a few spots that had small hills and this very fine sand, it sort of looked like we were walking on the moon. As we went farther and farther we started getting more into a forest area. Pretty soon we had been hiking for 30 minutes, then an hour, and then an hour and a half and still no water fall?! What the heck where is this thing and how long does it take to get there? We ran into some lovely people from Arizona who said we were almost there, HOORAY! So we kept plugging along. We came upon some very narrow walk ways with a drastic plunge down the cliff on our left and then we were like Tarzan in the jungle swinging on tree limbs to descend into the depths of the waterfall. At last, we had arrived! We carefully and very tiredly walked into the opening expecting to see a beautiful cascading waterfall.. negative! We got what I like to call a rockfall.. or rocks with water trickling down. Seriously?! This is a joke right? I just hiked for two hours and three in a half miles to see this? Ahhhh!! It was a very anti climatic "waterfall" (notice the quotations) but it was an absolute wonderful adventure getting there. By this time I was so thirsty I almost dove into the water running off those rocks. It tasted divine, like pure heaven flowing over rocks, especially since we didn't bring water with us. The hike had gorgeous views and was pretty easy going, we ran most of the way back because guess what, we were running out of light! We ended the hike in the dark with not flashlight except our phones and luckily we had made it to the easy part before the sun played its cruel joke on us and hid. We are not sure if we would do this hike again seeing as the falls were so disappointing. We are still scratching our heads to as why no one warned us about this..
after we finished the hike everyone had lots of horror stories about it.. thanks friends!! Check out a few pictures..
starting off the hike
one of the many views we saw

gotta document this

we made it to the summut!!

there she is, the la'ie "waterfall", pathetic huh?

Joey drinking from the falls

i did it!!

so proud of him

thumbs up on this view!!
 well, there you have it folks. Will we do it again? I dont know, probably not all the way. It was a fun adventure though and we did enjoy some time together.

Love, the Williams

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