Tuesday, October 16, 2012

September in a nutshell

Oh September, what a magical month. It is the month I was brought into this world, it must be pretty magical! Seeing as this is my birthday month every day was special to me, but I will try to sum up only the big and important events. Here we go!
Technically the Magical month of September didn't start out so magically. It was Labor Day weekend, I was missing my family, Utah, and SWISS DAYS! Joey decided we should head into town and check out Pearl Harbor since we both haven't seen it and it would take my mind off things. We started out on our journey excited to see this historical sight, but alas, about twenty minutes into our drive we heard a thumping noise coming from our car. Not quite sure what is was we pulled over and I took a look. Oh phew! It was only a stick stuck in mud on our tire.. WRONG! I pulled the stick off, we kept driving, and again..
 thump, thump, thump!  
Oh dear.. we pull over again and to my dismay I see our tire tread unraveling. Our plans went from a fun FREE day at pearl harbor, to a not so fun and very expensive trip to Big O Tires in Kaneohe where I begrudgingly spent all my savings on two brand new tires. My silver lining? The still small voice that prompted me to bring along our savings cash. I had no idea why I threw it in my purse as I was running out the door, but man am I glad I did!!
joey changing the tire

there she is..
September is also when I became in love with ice cream mochi.. what is mochi you ask? Well really I have no idea, but it is delicious! Just kidding I kind of have an idea, it is like a rice pudding it comes from Japan I believe, could be wrong though. In the ice cream form it has a rice pudding/jelly like shell and then there is ice cream in the middle. Sound gross? Maybe a little but it is delicious...
this is chocolate mint mochi! Mmm
Our favorite television show to watch together started back up, hello Scandal, we have missed you! Football also started again and that has been a blast to watch. I am a huge San Fransisco 49er fan and Joey is an Oakland Raider fan. It doesn't cause to much trouble, most days :) With the beginning of the football season also came a new deal from McDonald's, Touchdown Tuesdays!! You can enjoy a quarter pounder meal and get a free quarter pounder, Joey and I both can eat for around $7, not bad. We make sure to work out afterwards! I also tried a new recipe from Pinterest this month, creamy potato cheese soup, YUMMY!! It was magnificent, everyone should try it, maybe I'll post the recipe later..

My parents sent me a sweet birthday box and it was full of all kinds of fun surprises! Joey got me flowers and balloons and breakfast and his sweet mom sent me some awesome Toms! The family I work for joined the fun and gave me a gift card and two of the sweetest birthday pictures from their kids. I truly am a lucky and blessed little lady.

some of the goodies inside said birthday box :)

We spent a lot of time with friends, playing games, hanging out on the beach, watching sunsets. We even went back to Waimea Bay and jumped off the rock again! Life sure was grand in the month of September :)

love, the Williams

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