Monday, November 19, 2012

Enrichment Leader.. dun, dun, dun!!

well it has happened, a few months ago when i moved into the La'ie Married Student 5th ward i was given the calling to be on the Relief Society activities committee. To be honest i was thrilled, i got to plan all the fun, make all the fun and have all the fun but not have to worry about the logistics of it all because i wasn't the leader, i was just on the committee..
well that changed and it changed fast! One week i was on the committee, the next i was leading a committee of my own. I am grateful for this opportunity to lead these wonderful women on my committee and also to be able to still have ALL the fun, because really, i do have all the fun!
This calling is new to me, I'm not sure if i do everything the right way, and to be honest I'm not even sure if there is a right way. But, alas, here i am fumbling through and making do. i am excited for the new year to start and to be able to incorporate some new activities into our Relief Society. Hopefully my ward will get excited to and that we will see more and more sisters come out to the activities.
This month we did a Christmas card activity and it was so much fun! i love Christmas, everything Christmas! So i used my handy dandy cricut machine to make a few different card types and then i set to making enough supplies for my ward members to recreate these simple cards. We had wonderful food, Christmas music of course and a few Christmas decorations including a Christmas themed "photo booth" with the opportunity to use Santa clause or Rudolph props. All in all we had a pretty good turnout and lots of fun getting to know some of the sisters in the ward. Check out a few of my favorite pictures from the night..
the cards we made.. number 1

number 2

number 3

the "hohoho" banner i made

a few of the ladies from the ward

lovin' the props!

so cute!

so fun :)

a wonderful activity with the ward!
many more fun activities to come, and i cant wait!
love, the williams

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