Friday, November 2, 2012

Our first Tsunami

As Joey and I were watching a show together and snuggling up on the couch, we all of a sudden had a knock at our window and our dear neighbor was informing us that a tsunami warning had been issued! We quickly switched over to the local news station to get the latest updates and information on what to do. I am not going to lie, I was a little panicked at first. I kept telling Joey that it was better to be safe than sorry and that we shouldn't hang around our home.
The news made it out to be a pretty scary ordeal, I know that they have to make sure everyone is prepared but they probably caused me more stress thinking about what could happen then what actually did happen. We got the warning around 7:10 on Saturday night, the tsunami was triggered because of an earthquake in Canada (those darn Canadians!) and we were told it would hit our island around 10:28pm. Since I was a little flustered Joey appeased me and we packed up a few important papers and a spare change of clothes just in case and left our house for higher ground around 9:45. We ended up at a friends house where we chatted and ate brownies, when the first waves hit it was as if the ocean went from low tide to high tide all at once. But luckily for us and our island that was all that had happened. The water levels rose and the currents got stronger but there were no injuries and flooding everyone made it through the Hawaiian tsunami of 2012!
I am just very thankful for a wonderful husband who takes the time to make sure I feel safe and left our house to make me feel better even if he would have rather stayed and gone to bed. Plus on the bright side I can now say that I have heard the tsunami alarms going off in the case of a real tsunami!
love, the williams

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