Thursday, March 28, 2013

Pregnancy Hormones

Woo-hoo! Look at me, two posts in two days. I'm on a roll! Just kidding, don't get to excited it is probably just a fluke.. So, lets talk about pregnancy hormones, shall we?
You know those pesky things that are necessary for your little bun in the oven to grow. They are necessary, right? If they are not I would like to sign up to be excluded from them, ASAP!
Real talk, they have not been that bad for me. Joey may say otherwise, but that is because he is the one who has to deal with the meltdowns and hurt feelings. I know of a few occasions where I tend to get a little heated quicker than usual. Or maybe Joey made a comment and for some reason it really hurt my feelings even though it was just something silly I'd usually laugh at. 
Last night however those pesky little hormones were on overdrive and I was one stressed out, crying, mess of a pregnant lady. I had an activity I needed to set up for and nothing seemed to be going the way I had planned or needed it to go. With only twenty minutes left before said activity was supposed to start I had nothing done and was on the phone with my darling hubby sobbing and telling him I just wanted to come home. Joey deserves a huge reward for his actions last night, he didn't make me feel silly or dumb. He listened and figured out what he could do to help. Then afterwards when all was said and done he bought me ice cream! He sure is a keeper :)
It made me wonder though, I knew normally the little things that happened would not be such a big deal to me. So why is it that this influx of hormones makes women so off balance? I really think it is an unfair part of pregnancy, sure I can handle the morning sickness and all the weird twinges of pain. The constant urge to run to the bathroom, no biggy! But not feeling like yourself and no way to control it, lets just say I'm not a fan. 
So you pesky little pregnancy hormones, I know you are necessary. I am grateful you are aiding in the process of helping my little nugget grow. However I do not like you, I think you suck! 

the williams

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