Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Time to play catch up!

I say this often, but I am pretty sure that I am THE worst blogger out there in bloggerland. I do really well at keeping things updated for a few months at a time, and then BAM! I've disappeared off the bloggerverse (you know, the blogger universe). It is a little ridiculous, but do not fear family and friends, I am back :) So here we go lets catch up the last three months...

Biggest news first? Joey and I are expecting our first little nugget. We found out at the beginning of December, but kept it quiet from family till Christmas. <--it was a lot harder than it sounds! We waited to announce it to the rest of the world till we had our first doctors appointment and saw that little nugget. So if you don't already know we're expecting you must live under a rock! 
I think it has been a relatively easy pregnancy thus far. Albeit I do not have anything to compare it to. I did get the whole first trimester morning sickness thing, but all in all it wasn't that bad. I felt nauseas constantly but nothing ever came back up to say hi, thank goodness! I have so far only gained six pound and I am well into my second trimester and enjoying the first little movements of our little man. OH YA! its a BOY! Joey is ecstatic! We will be welcoming this little boy nugget at the end of August, hopefully the rest of the pregnancy goes as smoothly as the beginning!

Joey is finishing up his third to last trimester at BYU-Hawaii. It ends in a couple more weeks and then we only have TWO more left before he graduates! So proud of him and all the hard work he has been putting in to his schooling. It's not always easy on him, but he is amazing and it works out in the end. I know he is looking forward to being done as well, it will be nice to have a mini break from school before he possibly goes back for grad school.. yikes..

Duke is full grown now, and still tiny! He finally has all of his shots and is ready to roam the island like a free dog. We love having him around, he is the happiest cuddliest dog there is. He loves to sleep in our bed with us and he usually takes over our pillows at night. He loves the beach and to dig in the sand but he hates the waves in the ocean and doesn't like being in the water yet. We are trying to change that though! 

My mommy is coming to live in Hawaii with me for two months while Joey is gone over the summer. And Joey and I are finally leaving the island to go home and see family for the first time in over a year! wow! I am beyond excited to see everyone and its all for a good cause too.. DUSTIN IS COMING HOME! Can you believe it has been two years already? Time moves so fast, it's scary! He will be returning in June and it will be nice to have the whole family together again for a few short weeks. 

I can't think of anything else of significance right now, we have been up to a lot of the usual: hanging with friends, surfing, relaxing on the beach, swimming in the ocean.. it's a tough life we live :)

till next time,
the williams

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