Friday, May 24, 2013

Fancy little Bow Ties

Bow ties. They are just so fancy! 

They are also all the rage right now for little men. Seeing as I have a little man on the way I figured, why not make some? You can find endless amounts of tutorials for them all over Pinterest, but I happened upon this one here and it looked so easy I knew even I could do it! Anything with a little sewing and a hot glue gun, count me in!

I didn't have many fabric scraps to choose from and I wanted to try it out before I go and buy some more fabric so I used some left over blue flannel for this one. I like the way it turned out, the next time I make these I will probably change up a few things but ultimately little man has one super cute bow tie so he can be fancy whenever he wants :)

please don't mind the wrinkled onsie..

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