Monday, May 13, 2013

Whats for dinner?

I remember as a little kid constantly asking my mom this very question. The only difference is that when I did ask my mom I always got an answer. These days I have to decide what to have for dinner myself. Sometimes I get a little help from the Hubsters, but that usually consists of, "I'm not hungry right now, make what you want and I'll probably eat it." <---thanks Joey!
The fact that I don't really enjoy just cooking for myself deters me from doing so most nights. Then there are these other nights where I just decide I'm going for it, and something magical happens, I have a delicious meal in front of me and Joey chows it down telling me how good it is. Maybe I should cook more often! Eh, we'll see..
The other night as I was mulling over what to cook I realized I had pretty much everything I needed to make Chicken Pizzaiola. The items I didn't have on hand I was OK with leaving out, it turned it more into a chicken bake then a pizzaiola but it was still mighty delicious!

sorry for the blurry picture, I was in a hurry to eat!!
Here's what you need:
3 cups tomato sauce (jar or homemade)
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
salt and pepper
2 ounces Parmesan cheese (1 cup)
4 ounces mozzarella (1 cup)
2 ounces pepperoni, sliced thin

  1.  Heat your oven to 450 degrees. Spread your tomato sauce in a 9x13inch baking dish.
  2. Pat the chicken dry with paper towels and season with salt and pepper. Lay the Parmesan in a shallow dish then coat the chicken with the Parmesan. Lay the chicken on top of the tomato sauce and bake for 15 minutes.
  3. Sprinkle the mozzarella and pepperoni over the chicken and increase the oven temperature to 475 degrees. Continue to bake until the cheese melts, about another 5 minutes. 
That's it, easy right? Pop that chicken out and eat it as is or cook up some pasta and eat it over pasta. I didn't have any mozzarella or pepperoni so we left that out this time. Think of all the other things you could put on this, olives, peppers, or mushrooms! Mmm! The hubby ate it all and even finished some of mine! We will definitely make this again :)

 the Williams

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