Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Week 31

Baby Williams is now the size of a PINEAPPLE!!
I don't feel big enough to have a pineapple in my belly..

How far along? 31 Weeks
Total weight gain? 14 lbs
Maternity Clothes? Yes, but I still love my belly band 
Stretch marks? Nope

Best moment this week? Feeling him JAM out to my 80's pop music pandora station, it's his favorite, I don't blame him..
Miss anything? Staying awake through a whole movie! I think I'm 0 for 4 right now /:
Movement? He loves to dance in there, and play monkey bars with my ribs

Food cravings? Potatoes are back, in the form of fries please!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Late nights, 10 rolls around and I feel queasy.
Have you started to show yet? Yep, I'm growing one big belly.
Gender? Boy!

Labor Signs?  None.
Belly button in or out? It has mostly disappeared haha
Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or moody most the time? Happy!
Looking forward to? My plane ride to Las Vegas tomorrow!! Three whole weeks of family and friends and baby showers. 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Shower Scum is going DOWN

I live in Hawaii. I really can't complain about much. I love it here, minus a few things it's pretty perfect. However, we have lived in three different places since being here and each place has had one thing in common. Dark, dirty, disgusting showers. They are full of shower scum and mold and it is gross. I tried and tried to clean them to no avail. I would walk away sweaty and defeated by the shower scum once again. So what does one do at a time like this? In this day and age you turn to pinterest of course! I am not sure how many pins I looked through before I decided to try good old fashion vinegar and dish soap. This stuff wasn't some miracle cleaner, it needed lots of elbow grease, toothbrushes, and a bristle pad. But it did the job, mostly. Whoever decided it was a great idea to put ceiling to floor tile in a shower with no ventilation was not the brightest crayon in the box. 

Check out these before and after pictures, be warned this is filthy and I am terribly embarrassed. Don't judge me, I am a clean person I promise!!

Before.. yuck!

After, better but not great
the williams

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Week 30

 Baby Williams is the size of a Cucumber! 
We only have ten more weeks. Wow, that went fast!

How far along? 30 Weeks
Total weight gain? 13.6 lbs
Maternity Clothes? Yes, because they are more comfortable!
Stretch marks? None, woo-hoo!

Best moment this week? Waking up to sea monster dance parties :) Oh and passing my glucose test! I did not want to take the three hour one!!
Miss anything? Not being bug food! I've gotten so many bug bites these last couple months
Movement? Oh Ya! He likes to get up in my ribs now

Food cravings? None this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick? nope!
Have you started to show yet? Yep, I'm growing one big belly.
Gender? Boy!

Labor Signs?  None.
Belly button in or out? It has mostly disappeared haha
Wedding rings on or off? Still on and loose :)

Happy or moody most the time? Luckily I've been very happy!
Looking forward to? Our doctors appointment on tuesday, last one before we leave the island!