Monday, July 29, 2013

Week 36

Holy Cow, baby Williams is now the size of Honeydew!! Man, He is starting to feel like it too! Sometimes I do not think I can get any bigger, then I wake up in the morning and realize my belly grew. His movements have slowed down, and the doctor is making me keep a kick count every two hours but other than that he is doing great in there and hopefully will enjoy it enough to stay until daddy comes home :)

How far along? 36 Weeks
Total weight gain? 17.6 lbs
Maternity Clothes? Always in the pants now, I can still mix and match all of my shirts

Stretch marks? Still none, woo-hoo!!

Best moment this week? Doctor telling me I'm doing great and packing his little outfits for the hospital :)
Miss anything? Being able to jump on the trampoline with my little munchkins!
Movement? He is still moving around, but definitely slowed down. Freaked me out at first!

Food Cravings? Anything edible!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing as of late :)
Have you started to show yet? I feel huuggee!! haha
Gender? Boy!

Labor Signs? Braxton Hicks are getting a little more consistent, I have to be careful not to over exert myself.
Belly button in or out? When I look down at it, it is sticking out a little.
Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or moody most the time? Happy!
Looking forward to? Our next doctors appointment, we'll get a better idea of how things are progressing.. or not progressing! 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Welcome Home Elder Alameda

Two years sounds like such a long time, yet it flew by like the blink of an eye. I can not believe Elder Alameda is home already! He served in the Mendoza, Argentina mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, preaching the gospel and spreading the word about our wonderful church. We are all so proud of the work he has done and grateful he has returned home safely to us. I am so blessed to have this young man in my family and the love I have for him continues to grow. Great job Dustin, Joey and I love you so much!!

Love, The Williams

Monday, July 22, 2013

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas?

Joey and I have lived in Hawaii for over a year now.. and we have never left the island.. That all changed when the glorious and wonderful Elder Alameda came home from serving his two year LDS mission in Argentina. It gave me a reason to demand a trip to the mainland :) As we were investigating flights we realized how cheap it would be to fly to Las Vegas instead of straight to Utah, and so much more fun!! I told my family of my plan and they thought it was such a great idea that they met us there! Four whole fun filled days in Vegas here we come!!

To say I was nervous about flying while pregnant would be an understatement. I was a stress cadet, basket case! I could not sleep the night before and was worried that my luggage would be to heavy or to big. I panicked I was going to swell up like a balloon, have the most uncomfortable back pain or pee ten million times. I don't know how many times I made Joey weigh my bags or tell me everything was going to be alright. Luckily the bags were fine (Joey was right) and the plane ride was a lot more bearable than I could have imagined. No swelling like a balloon, only about four trips to the bathroom and back pain didn't start until the last 45 minutes or so.. what I didn't anticipate was the turbulence at the end of the plane ride, descending into Las Vegas. That was the killer. The 15 minutes of shaky air sent my tummy running for the hills and it wasn't coming back a happy camper. 

It was all worth it though, once we got a cab and drove to our hotel were my family was patiently waiting the hugs and kisses that were shared made everything else melt away. At last I was with some of the ones I love again. 

The next few days flew by in a blur. We enjoyed the summer heat, shopped till we dropped, (i finally found a maternity swimsuit i love, yay!) saw the cirque du soleil show KA and the Jabbawockeez, ate lots of really yummy food, walked around the strip and enjoyed each others company. I'd say it was a pretty successful trip.. Next stop Utah! But first, a few pictures :)

Oh family is so much fun!
Love, The williams

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Week 35

I still can't believe there are only five weeks left till this little nugget is due! This pregnancy has gone by so fast. Now baby Williams is the size of a Coconut!! I've got a few of those in my backyard :)

How far along? 35 Weeks
Total weight gain? My scale at home is broken, so I'm going to guess 17 lbs
Maternity Clothes? Always in the pants now, I can still mix and match all of my shirts
Stretch marks? Still none, woo-hoo!!

Best moment this week? Getting the Sea Monsters bedding!! (thanks Grammy!) I finally unpacked his stroller the other day too :)
Miss anything? Not having back/butt pain, I just keep telling myself, "5 more weeks!"
Movement? Lots!

Food Cravings? Bread, darn those carbs!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing as of late :)
Have you started to show yet? I feel huuggee!! haha
Gender? Boy!

Labor Signs? Only some slight braxton hicks
Belly button in or out? When I look down at it, it is sticking out a little.
Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or moody most the time? Happy!
Looking forward to? The baby bumper coming in the mail, and getting his shelves on the wall so I can finish his "nursery" decorations :)

Love, The Williams

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Week 34

Baby Williams is now the size of a Cantaloupe!! Doctor says he is growing big and healthy and he weighs just over 4 pounds now. Only SIX more weeks to go :)

How far along? 34 Weeks
Total weight gain? 16 lbs
Maternity Clothes? I'm wearing them a lot more lately, they are just so much more comfortable with the ever growing belly!
Stretch marks? Still none!

Best moment this week? Going to the doctors yesterday, seeing my little nugget again and finally getting most of his things put away!
Miss anything? Honestly, eating normal meals haha
Movement? Tons! He is always rolling around those arms and legs

Food Cravings? None, I will currently eat everything in sight!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing as of late :)
Have you started to show yet? Oh ya!
Gender? Boy!

Labor Signs? Only some slight braxton hicks
Belly button in or out? When I look down at it, it is sticking out a little.
Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or moody most the time? Happy!
Looking forward to? Enjoying these last six weeks of pregnancy, taking it all in before it's over and he is actually here!

Love, The Williams

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Week 33

Baby Williams is now the size of a Durian Fruit! I didn't know what that was so I had to look it up...
Hopefully the sea monster doesn't come out that spikey.. 
Little Man is also more alert this week, hopefully keeping his eyes open more, and he is practicing breathing and swallowing at the same time. 

How far along? 33 Weeks
Total weight gain? 15.5 lbs
Maternity Clothes? I'm wearing them a lot more lately, they are just so much more comfortable with the ever growing belly!
Stretch marks? Nope!

Best moment this week? Having fun with family and friends at our baby shower, little nugget is so loved already.
Miss anything? Sleeping through the night, I know this isn't going to change when he gets here, but it will be so much more worth it to wake up with him :)
Movement? Tons! Constant dance party going on in there!

Food Cravings? None, I will currently eat everything in sight!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Driving around has been a little rough again, but nothing terrible. 
Have you started to show yet? Oh ya!
Gender? Boy!

Labor Signs? Only some slight braxton hicks
Belly button in or out? When I look down at it, it is sticking out a little but from straight on it looks like it is gone.. weird!
Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or moody most the time? Happy!
Looking forward to? Hanging up all his cute clothes in his closet, picking out his hospital outfits and heading back to Hawaii with my adorable Mommy!

Love, The Williams

Week 32

Baby Williams is now the size of a Squash!!
He feels more squished, than like a squash though :) He also has fingernails, toenails and hopefully some hair!

How far along? 32 Weeks
Total weight gain? 15 lbs
Maternity Clothes? Yes, but mostly only in pants. 
Stretch marks? Nope.

Best moment this week? Sharing him with all my family finally! 
Miss anything? My husband! ha but also eating and feeling satisfied for longer than 20 minutes!
Movement? Not as many kicks, but a ton of what feels like rolling around. I constantly see my belly moving around and rippling.

Food cravings? Nothing i can think of.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Plane turbulence, luckily it's not every day i'm on a plane!
Have you started to show yet? Yep, I'm growing one big belly.
Gender? Boy!

Labor Signs?  None.
Belly button in or out? It has mostly disappeared haha
Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or moody most the time? Happy!
Looking forward to? Our next doctors appointment to make sure everything is still on track, and going shopping for the rest of our fun baby stuff when we get back to hawaii!!