Monday, July 22, 2013

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas?

Joey and I have lived in Hawaii for over a year now.. and we have never left the island.. That all changed when the glorious and wonderful Elder Alameda came home from serving his two year LDS mission in Argentina. It gave me a reason to demand a trip to the mainland :) As we were investigating flights we realized how cheap it would be to fly to Las Vegas instead of straight to Utah, and so much more fun!! I told my family of my plan and they thought it was such a great idea that they met us there! Four whole fun filled days in Vegas here we come!!

To say I was nervous about flying while pregnant would be an understatement. I was a stress cadet, basket case! I could not sleep the night before and was worried that my luggage would be to heavy or to big. I panicked I was going to swell up like a balloon, have the most uncomfortable back pain or pee ten million times. I don't know how many times I made Joey weigh my bags or tell me everything was going to be alright. Luckily the bags were fine (Joey was right) and the plane ride was a lot more bearable than I could have imagined. No swelling like a balloon, only about four trips to the bathroom and back pain didn't start until the last 45 minutes or so.. what I didn't anticipate was the turbulence at the end of the plane ride, descending into Las Vegas. That was the killer. The 15 minutes of shaky air sent my tummy running for the hills and it wasn't coming back a happy camper. 

It was all worth it though, once we got a cab and drove to our hotel were my family was patiently waiting the hugs and kisses that were shared made everything else melt away. At last I was with some of the ones I love again. 

The next few days flew by in a blur. We enjoyed the summer heat, shopped till we dropped, (i finally found a maternity swimsuit i love, yay!) saw the cirque du soleil show KA and the Jabbawockeez, ate lots of really yummy food, walked around the strip and enjoyed each others company. I'd say it was a pretty successful trip.. Next stop Utah! But first, a few pictures :)

Oh family is so much fun!
Love, The williams

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