Monday, July 29, 2013

Week 36

Holy Cow, baby Williams is now the size of Honeydew!! Man, He is starting to feel like it too! Sometimes I do not think I can get any bigger, then I wake up in the morning and realize my belly grew. His movements have slowed down, and the doctor is making me keep a kick count every two hours but other than that he is doing great in there and hopefully will enjoy it enough to stay until daddy comes home :)

How far along? 36 Weeks
Total weight gain? 17.6 lbs
Maternity Clothes? Always in the pants now, I can still mix and match all of my shirts

Stretch marks? Still none, woo-hoo!!

Best moment this week? Doctor telling me I'm doing great and packing his little outfits for the hospital :)
Miss anything? Being able to jump on the trampoline with my little munchkins!
Movement? He is still moving around, but definitely slowed down. Freaked me out at first!

Food Cravings? Anything edible!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing as of late :)
Have you started to show yet? I feel huuggee!! haha
Gender? Boy!

Labor Signs? Braxton Hicks are getting a little more consistent, I have to be careful not to over exert myself.
Belly button in or out? When I look down at it, it is sticking out a little.
Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or moody most the time? Happy!
Looking forward to? Our next doctors appointment, we'll get a better idea of how things are progressing.. or not progressing! 

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