Saturday, August 31, 2013

Hunter's Birth Story

Where to begin? How about the fact that we made it to week 40, Joey was home and my dad just arrived from salt lake city! This sea monster had perfect timing, to say the least. 
I woke up at midnight Tuesday morning with some contractions, I just thought it was some more braxton hicks. Nothing to serious or painful, mostly just annoying, and I settled in for another restless night of sleep. Little did i know just how restless is truly would be! At one o'clock my water broke- nobody really prepared me for what that was going to be like. I felt a pop, literally it popped. I laid there for a minute not really sure what had just happened, nothing else came so i stayed in bed. Logical thing to do, right? A few minutes later I started to feel the trickle- almost as if I had started to pee myself. My next logical thought was to get up so I could clean myself off and try and get more sleep. I made it almost all the way from my bedroom to the bathroom door before I had a tiny gush of liquid. That was when i knew something wasn't quite the same. After cleaning myself up and changing my clothes Joey woke up and asked what was going on, and of course me in all my glory said, "I think my water just broke- but don't freak out it's ok." I called the doctor and the he said it was go time so we woke up my parents and everyone got ready to head out the door for our hour long drive to the hospital. Joey drove really fast though, I think we cut some minutes off our personal best!

I was then admitted into labor and delivery and after that it was just time to sit around and wait for the show to begin. Since we arrived at 4 a.m. we were all pretty tired and everyone started to nap. I was having contractions but nothing terrible and they weren't progressing my labor at all. By 10:30 they decided to start me on pitocin and that got me moving forward a little bit but I was still breezing through all the "pain". When they came in to see how i was doing around noon and I was able to say I still wasn't in that much pain my nurse told me she would fix that and upped my pitocin dosage, how nice of her! This was also the time they asked me if I wanted an epidural, I was still undecided but the pain was manageable so i opted for some IV pain meds instead and could possibly get an epidural if needed at 3 p.m. After this the next hour and a half flew by, my labor kicked into full gear and I was feeling ready to push. The pain was something i could get through but it was rough! Lots of breathing and squeezing Joey's poor little hand was going on. When they finally checked me I was dilated to a 9 and what the nurse called rimming. My doctor was no where to be found (he was a couple of towns away) and they were telling me not to push and to wait for my doctor. By 2 o'clock I couldn't wait any longer. they checked me again and I was fully dilated- THANK GOODNESS!!

They called the stand by doctor into the room and I was able to start pushing around 2:05p.m. Oh boy, once i was able to push through those contractions did I sure feel good again! My doctor finally arrived and after about 30 minutes of pushing Hunter Forrest Williams was born at 2:32 p.m. on Tuesday, August 20th. He was 7lbs. 3oz. and 20 inches long.  He only let out three little wails and then happily sat on my stomach while Joey cut the umbilical cord. He was beautiful, and he was all mine. After nine months of carrying him around I was able to meet this handsome little man and I could not be more blessed to be his mother. I love him so much already and can not wait to watch him grow up and see the wonderful person he is going to become. I love Joey for helping me through this whole process and for blessing me with such a perfect little boy. We are now a family of three and the real adventures are going to begin!

love, the williams

Friday, August 16, 2013

Week 39

The home stretch of this pregnancy has been the hardest for sure, but with only 6 days left I'm pretty sure I can make it :) Baby Williams is now the size of Watermelon! But it is a watermelon on the small side of things because doctor said he is only measuring at about 6.5 pounds right now.

How far along? 39 Weeks
Total weight gain? 17 lbs
Maternity Clothes? It's a mash up of everything I own.
Stretch marks? None, Doctor is so proud haha

Best moment this week? Finding out my Dad is coming to Hawaii!!!
Miss anything? Probably the hip pain, I'm grateful he is getting lower but man my hips are tender!
Movement? Still bouncin' off the walls :)

Food Cravings? Dryers Hot Fudge Sundae ice cream /:
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nada 
Have you started to show yet? Just getting bigger, and bigger.
Gender? Boy!

Labor Signs? Little man is dropping but not far enough to cause any real progression, still stuck at a 1 for now /:
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Belly button in or out? Half and half haha

Happy or moody most the time? Happy!
Looking forward to? Joey coming home and my fast approaching due date, hopefully this show gets on the road soon!!

Love, the Williams

Monday, August 12, 2013

Dole Pineapple Plantation

I've driven past the Dole pineapple plantation numerous times and each time I would tell myself or Joey that I wanted to go there- how many chances do you get to see a working pineapple plantation? With my Mom visiting and her sweet friends in town we put it on our list of things to do. Boy was I excited to mark it off my long list of things I want to do before leaving Hawaii for good. Did you know that this pineapple plant has one of the worlds largest corn mazes? In the shape of a pineapple, no less! It's true, it even made it into the Guinness Book of World Records a few years back, pretty cool!

We didn't actually go through the maze but it was still fun to see :)
We opted to take a ride on the Pineapple Express, which is a cute little vintage train that takes you on a tour through the still working pineapple plantation. 

It was fun to see the plantation this way and learn some interesting facts about pineapples. I had no idea it took pineapples so long to grow, like 15 months! Or that Dole bought the whole island of Lana'i and turned it into a pineapple plantation when the one on Oahu got to small for their booming business. It is no longer owned by Dole but still, buying your own island just for pineapples- wow!

of course they have bushes in the shape of pineapples.

cute pineapple ladies :)

did you know pineapples grew like this?
So much fun, and of course we had to end our adventure with a delicious pineapple whip. Love me some pineapple, especially in the form of ice cream!! 

Love, The Williams

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Week 38

What a crazy busy last couple of weeks it has been. With my Mom here and her cute friends visiting we have just been go, go, going and I'm exhausted. Baby Williams is now the size of a Pumpkin! I don't believe it, there is no way a pumpkin is in my belly!!

How far along? 38 Weeks
Total weight gain? 17 lbs <---somehow I lost a pound this week!
Maternity Clothes? Still wearing regular tops most of the time, but maternity pants is the only way to go right now.
Stretch marks? NEGATIVE!!

Best moment this week? Waking up to his little hiccups. 
Miss anything? I'm still itchy as all get out, which is not fun.
Movement? just a movin and groovin in there!

Food Cravings? Everything in sight!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing as of late :)
Have you started to show yet? just getting bigger, and bigger.
Gender? Boy!

Labor Signs? Slight dilation to about a centimeter, and more pressure!
Belly button in or out? It kinda folded over, weird!
Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or moody most the time? Happy!
Looking forward to? Holding my sweet little boy.

Love, The Williams

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Week 37

37 weeks, this sea monster is FULL TERM!! Little baby Williams is the size of a winter melon, and growing so big. At my last doctors appointment we learned that labor signs are popping up, cervix is softening and starting to dilate a smidge :)

How far along? 37 Weeks
Total weight gain? 18 lbs
Maternity Clothes? Still wearing regular tops most of the time, but maternity pants is the only way to go right now.
Stretch marks? Still none, woo-hoo!!

Best moment this week? Hitting 37 weeks without any complications!
Miss anything? My skin not being itchy, it is getting stretched to the max right now and has been so, SO itchy this last week :(
Movement? just a movin and groovin in there!

Food Cravings? Nope, nothing exciting here
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing as of late :)
Have you started to show yet? just getting bigger, and bigger.
Gender? Boy!

Labor Signs? Braxton Hicks are a daily occurrence now, and like the doc said, soft cervix with slight dilation.
Belly button in or out? When I look down at it, it is sticking out a little.
Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or moody most the time? Happy!
Looking forward to? Meeting my little sea monster, it is going to be here before i know it!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Byodo-In Temple

As Tropical Storm Flossie approached our little Hawaiian island we tried to think of things to do that would still be fun, but keep us mostly dry too! Of course we ended up at a mall first, come on, shopping is fun any time. On the way home however we drove into the Valley of Temples which is a memorial park located in Kaneohe. Driving past the Valley of Temples you wouldn't think it is much more then a cemetery.  Yet located all the way in the back, nestled up against the mountain, is the beautiful Byodo-In Temple. It is still a functioning Buddhist temple, but they let you walk around the grounds, ring the bell for blessings and happiness before entering the temple and go inside the area where they have a carved Buddha that stands over 18 feet tall. The temple itself was created as a replica of a temple in Uji, Japan and the whole thing was built with out the use of nails! Pretty incredible if you ask me.

Love that we went on a rainy day and we got awesome cloud coverage in the background

Mommy & Me

Cute little ladies :)
Love, The Williams