Sunday, July 24, 2011

Missionary Cookie Coupons!!

Before Dustin left on his mission I made him some pretty sweet MISSIONARY COOKIE COUPONS!! (I mean they are sweeeeeet!!) But there is a catch, in order for him to receive a package full of goodies he has to send me a letter AND the cookie coupon specifying what type of cookie he wants back in the mail!! (I just scored myself guaranteed letters anytime he wants cookies! I'm a genius!!) I sent him off to the MTC with 24 cookie coupons. That's enough for one package of cookies once a month for the WHOLE two years he is gone.. man this is one spoiled missionary :)

So the other day I get home from work and to my wonderment  and surprise I have a letter from Elder Alameda, I know what that means.. someone wants COOKIES!! I tear open the letter and this is what happens next:

  •  I immediately see the blue paper I printed the cookie coupons on, but I save that for later

  • I grab for the more important paper in the envelope, the letter

  • As I read a weird thing begins to happen, yep I'm crying..

  • Through the tears I finish the letter and finally check the coupon to see that he would like some snickerdoodles :)

So now I have a mission of my own.. make the BEST MISSIONARY EVER (no, that is not a biased opinion, he is the best) the most wonderful snickerdoodle cookies any missionary has ever received...
The goal was set, the cookies have been made, and now finally sent off in the mail for same day MTC delivery (gotta love Utah!) hopefully he agrees that they are pretty darn tasty and if not, I've got quite a few family members who will vouch for the deliciousness of this cookie :)

anxiously awaiting my next letter and cookie coupon!! Its a good thing I like to bake :)

The Cookie Coupon :)

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