Sunday, July 24, 2011

Oh, what a weekend!!

Weekends in the Williams household are cherished, Joey doesn't have to work so we get to spend a lot more time together, which yes, we still enjoy doing! This weekend started out looking like it was going to be one of our best yet, but sadly, early Thursday morning my tooth (yes my tooth) had other plans for me this weekend. I woke up with the worst toothache I am positive I have ever experienced! It was awful, Joey woke up with me and after finding me some pain relievers he sat on the couch with me till 4:30 in the morning when the pain was finally dying down and I was able to go back to sleep. (only to wake up a mere hour later to get ready for work that day) After making it through a few painful hours at work I was able to come home and relax with Joey a little bit before his hockey game. I chose to stay home due to the pain in my mouth (toothaches really take a lot out of you!!) but it was a good thing that I did because Joey played really well and the Rebels won, again!! 

Friday night meant cooking lessons with Josh, and it was his turn to come over to our place! He brought his swimsuit this time so he got to take advantage of our pool too! Josh really loves chicken, I mean REALLY loves it, it is his favorite food to eat. So we are kind of going through my cook book one chicken recipe at a time :) Friday nights cooking lesson was on homemade chicken fingers, and they were finger lickin' good!! He learned how to cut chicken into strips and then the wonderful, and MESSY process of breading them and he had his first encounter with deep frying things.. which at first didn't turn out to well..they were black! But once we got the oil to the right place they were cooking faster than we could eat them and they were a huge hit with everyone! After dinner we went for a little night swim in the pool since it was so nice outside, and then got ready for the wonderful 24th of July Pioneer Day firework show they were having that night. We all got settled in on our balcony and watched the amazing show with family and friends. Gotta love any excuse to watch fireworks, right? Joey had to work early Saturday morning so he went off to bed and Josh hung around till the traffic died down and we watched the end of a movie we started the last time he was over. All around it was a great day, I love the time I am able to spend with Josh during our cooking lessons and i cant wait till next week when we make chicken calzones, yummmm!!

the firework show

one of my faves :)

watching the fireworks

Saturday rolled around and Joey worked all morning, so I slept in :) Once I woke up and saw how beautiful it was outside I decided on spending a little time by our pool, catching a little of those nice sunshine rays, possibly getting a little tan. Once little London saw that I had my swimsuit on she just had to get hers on to! So she met me downstairs and we enjoyed a nice hour in the pool, she was princess Ariel and I went back and forth from being the evil sea witch or the handsome prince, I don't think I resemble either of them, do I? Once pool time was over I had to hurry to get ready and race down to my favorite craft store to pick up ANOTHER present for my mom's birthday.. I kinda, unintentionally, ruined the first one :( so I hollered at Kerri to come with since she had never seen the store, we all jumped in the car and raced towards the store (literally raced, I'm pretty sure Kerri was going 90 mph at one point, don't judge we were on a time constraint the store closed at four!) Kerri fell in love with everything but came home with a cute love is all you need project and I got a replacement BYU football for my mom's birthday, hopefully round two works out better than round one did. I don't want to get knocked out again! When we got back I changed my clothes and made sure Joey was awake from his nap and we ran off to meet up with Josh for the HELLOGOODBYE concert!! I was lucky enough to have seen them in March when they came around the first time, but Josh had to miss it because of work. He definitely wasn't going to miss it this time! The show was awesome, there were a lot of bands that played, not all of them were good however it was still lots of fun. I got a new hellogoodbye shirt and I got to meet the bands keyboardist :) They were AH-MAZ-ING live and put on a great show, what a wonderful way to end a stupendous (like that word Joey?) weekend!!

waiting for the concert to start!

at the complex in SLC :)

..our shoes..

taking a break in between bands

Joey and Joel Pack

Me and Joseph Marro, the keyboardist for Hellogoodbye :)


dont you love Forrest's shorts??

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