Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Week 24

Baby Williams is the size of an EAR OF CORN!

that belly is a poppin'!

How far along? 24 weeks :)
Total weight gain? 8 lbs
Maternity clothes? Still mostly just a belly band and leggings.. I love my leggings!
Stretch marks? Nope.

Best moment this week? Still all the moving, He is going crazy!
Miss anything? Um, sleep? I can't make it through the night without waking up.
Movement? YEP!

Food cravings? Watermelon! I ate two this week, and cheese of course.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Driving in the car, sometimes.
Have you started to show yet? Yep.
Gender? Boy- hopefully that wont change, ha!

Labor signs? None.
Belly button in or out? In, but it seems to be shrinking.
Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most the time? Happy, but I did have my fair share of mood swings this week
Looking forward to? Our doctors appointment next Monday. They are my favorite days lately :)

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Woes Of Back Pain..

"Back pain is so much fun!" said no one ever...
I do not think I should even be complaining, mine really isn't that bad. I am just not used to it, therefore I tend to act like a baby when it hurts. (no judging!) Joey likes to remind me that I am carrying around about an extra eight pounds now, so of course things are going to start to feel different. I like to glare at him during times like these.. No need to be logical when I'm in pain! Sleeping seems to be the worst. Maybe I need to talk Joey into buying a new mattress.. hmm.. But really, I can only sleep on my sides now and that makes my arms fall asleep, weird right? I never knew that could even happen, but it does! 

Then I was having a moment where I thought I was invincible the other night and stayed up way to late playing games with Joey and the guys. Wobbling into bed already half asleep at 11:40, closing my eyes only to be plagued by crazy pregnancy dreams. I tossed and turned all night as I dreamed of Joey trying to cut the baby out of my belly <----strange! I woke up the next morning not only in pain from my tossing and turning but also exhausted with a sore throat and an upset tummy. See if i ever stay up past my bedtime again! I was only awake for about two hours before I was passed out in bed again for another three hours.. ya I didn't wake up till 1:30pm.. oopsies! 

Little nugget was having a hay day in my belly, and my back was so sore I just couldn't bear to lay down any longer. That's when I had my light bulb moment, I need a heating pad! However it was Sunday so I had to improvise and make my own. I grabbed some extra fabric I had laying round and sewed some edges together through some rice into it and closed it up. It is not the prettiest thing you have ever seen but it serves its purpose in life well, and it feels oh so good pressed against my back, neck, or shoulders. It is my new best friend, you could even call it love..

I know your all jealous. Don't worry, I'll send you one for Christmas this year :)

the Williams

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Pu'u O Mahuku Heiau State Monument

Joey and I embarked on a wonderful Hawaiian day today. We started out with a little beach time, Duke and I took our pregnancy exercise walk down the beach about a mile or so then came back and lounged at Rockies while Joey caught what few waves were to be had out in the ocean. By 10am it was time to eat again, so I indulged at Ted's Bakery which is located just down the street and found myself a few sweet treats to satisfy my hunger craving while I waited for Joey to finish up in the water. We were back home by eleven and not sure what else to do with the rest of our beautiful Saturday, so we whipped out the genius who holds all the answers.. Google! Asked it the simple question of, "what to do in La'ie Hi?" and what do you know it gave us a great answer!

 Hidden in the hills of Pupukea there is an old Hawaiian Heiau (temple) site. 

the Heiau site

Unfortunately the actual temple is long gone, but you can see the ruins and walk around the burial grounds. It wasn't a hike seeing as you could drive right up to the monument, but walking around up there for the 45 minutes or so we spent was enough for all of us to break a sweat and for Duke to feel as though he was dying. (I'm not sure if that's how he felt, obviously dogs don't talk, but it is sure what he looked like!) The monument and surrounding area provided lots of sweet lookout points and awesome views overlooking Waimea Valley and the town of Pupukea. The ocean was breathtaking as always and it was nice to get away for a little bit, do something different  and learn a little bit of the heritage of the island.  

We saw some wild boars

Joey and Duke overlooking Waimea Bay

Waimea Bay from the top of the Heiau

Duke dying :(
the williams

Friday, April 19, 2013

Week 23

So I came across this adorable blog, who had the most wonderful pregnancy updates and even though I am not cool enough to have a sweet chalkboard to write on I thought it would be fun to track the rest of my pregnancy here on the blog with weekly updates about my little man.. hopefully you all don't get to sick of seeing my face, or hearing about everything going on in my belly!!

23 weeks and 2 days :)

How far along?  23 weeks, time is flying!
Total weight gain/loss: 7 lbs.
Maternity clothes? belly band, leggings and some maternity jeans.
Stretch marks? Nope, hopefully it will stay that way!!

Best moment this week: All the kicking!
Miss Anything? All my energy, I get way to tired lately!
Movement: Yep!

Food cravings: Cheese! I want to put it on everything.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Have you started to show yet: Yep! He is poking out more and more each day I feel like!
Gender: Boy!

Labor Signs: None.
Belly Button in or out? In, but starting to look weird.
Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy :)
Looking forward to: Getting items for our little nugget!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Subconscious Belly Rubbing

It has begun. Subconscious belly rubbing. I googled it, trust me, it's a real thing. My belly has finally decided to pop out and at five and a half months pregnant I actually look like a pregnant lady and not some fatty who needs to step away from the cupcakes. However, along with belly poppage (word? i don't think so) comes the belly rubbing. I honestly can say I don't even realize I'm doing it half the time. The baby kicks, I rub my belly. The baby hasn't kicked for a while, I rub my belly. I sit up, I rub my belly. I sit down, I rub my belly.. you get the idea. Lots of belly rubbing going on in these parts lately. What I find funny however is people commenting on it. I don't realize I am even doing it, then someone says, "oh how cute she can't stop rubbing her belly!" and all I can think is, have I really been rubbing my belly this whole time? I don't think subconscious belly rubbing is a bad thing, but when it is brought to my attention I all of a sudden have an urge to control my belly rubbing. It is kind of like when someone tells you not to blink and then all you can think about is blinking. I don't know what causes me to want to rub my belly. Maybe I just need a reminder that he is still in there. Or maybe I feel like he knows somehow that I am rubbing my belly for him. Who knows the reason behind it, all I know is that my shirts are going to start getting holes in them around my belly area with all this rubbing thats been going on. Here is my proof that my belly popped out..

22 weeks 3 days

love, the williams

Monday, April 8, 2013


*WARNING:this may contain pregnancy TMI...

pre-pregnancy sneezes were some of my favorite things. i love to sneeze, it's an odd thing to love, but it feels so good. i am not a one and done sneezer either. it is more of like a three strikes your out kind of deal i have going on. it was great before i got pregnant, i looked forward to that third and final sneeze. it was usually the best one and i always knew it would be the end..
until i got pregnant!

pregnancy sneezing is something to be feared. you never know when it is going to strike. this is the only time i have ever wished to be a one and done sneezer. no one ever says, "oh pregnancy is going to be wonderful, and when you sneeze you will probably pee a little!" uhh what?! thanks for the heads up friends and family. i am now living in perpetual fear of my third sneeze. three strikes your out has a whole new meaning now. i can handle the first two sneezes unscathed, but it is that dastardly third sneeze that gets me every time. then comes the admission... i just peed a little...

the williams

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

a hiking we will go!

hey look! a blog not about being pregnant :) i know you are all excited..because we are finally hiking again!! 
Duke is a big boy now. all grown up. it's a little sad.
but he also has all of his shots now, and is free to roam the island! 
so we took him on his very first, walk the whole way yourself, hike! 
it was a celebration of freedom for both puppy and parents.

we took our new found freedom and bolted for the mountains.
our kind friend showed us where this really cool hidden waterfall is. 
technically you are not supposed to go back there. we saw a lot of scary signs that constantly tell you to turn back. we didn't listen.. oops.. anyone down for a little trespassing?
the hike was easy peasy, more of a walk through the woods. but it was wet! wet and muddy. we did have to cross a river a few times. we climbed through some fallen trees, and lots of branches. 
in between boulders and along some precarious ledges. then we came upon this beauty..
Sacred Falls, isn't she grand? she comes out of nowhere, and is just gushing water. the boys went all gung ho and jumped in the water, i held back once i heard shrieks of how cold the water was. i've had enough cold water experiences lately in my own home, thank you!
Duke enjoyed his first real hike but he was exhausted by the time we were done. once we were in the car, he was out cold. silly puppy! we are excited to mark some more hikes off our list in the coming weeks.

the williams

Monday, April 1, 2013

hot water is overrated

i am pretty sure only the cool kids take showers in hot water. hot water is totally overrated. right?
apparently i am not a cool kid. i take cold showers. not out of desire, more out of a necessity to get clean. i try to avoid them but i just have not had much luck lately. i don't need to be a cool kid, but i do want a hot shower.. please!! 
lets break it down. a few weeks ago our water heater was moved from one spot in the house to another in a storage room. ever since this happened our hot water has been finicky. (it was never great to begin with) if we didn't shower by nine in the morning we were out of luck for the day and if one of us took to long in the shower the next one up was done for - halfway through, cold water. need to have three people shower in the morning? start drawing sticks one of you is getting a cold shower. this week we have had a couple renters in a house that shares our water heater. can you spell T.R.O.U.B.L.E? the first night they were here they tried to shower, no luck for them, they got cold water. They decided to fiddle with the water heater and were pleased to announce they got hot showers on friday morning. our house still not as lucky, cold showers for us both. finally after more cold showers we called our landlord and got some people to come look at it. it was supposedly fixed and i waited for as long as i could to let the water heat up.
no luck, i'm not a cool kid. i took my freezing cold shower but this time it was made even better by having the water shut off completely halfway through shampooing my head. thats right. soap everywhere and not a drop of freezing cold water coming out. i screamed, then burst into tears <--pregnancy hormones just show up everywhere these days! joey saved the day yet again.

joey took a shower a little after i finished mine. he got hot water. he's a cool kid..

the williams