Thursday, April 11, 2013

Subconscious Belly Rubbing

It has begun. Subconscious belly rubbing. I googled it, trust me, it's a real thing. My belly has finally decided to pop out and at five and a half months pregnant I actually look like a pregnant lady and not some fatty who needs to step away from the cupcakes. However, along with belly poppage (word? i don't think so) comes the belly rubbing. I honestly can say I don't even realize I'm doing it half the time. The baby kicks, I rub my belly. The baby hasn't kicked for a while, I rub my belly. I sit up, I rub my belly. I sit down, I rub my belly.. you get the idea. Lots of belly rubbing going on in these parts lately. What I find funny however is people commenting on it. I don't realize I am even doing it, then someone says, "oh how cute she can't stop rubbing her belly!" and all I can think is, have I really been rubbing my belly this whole time? I don't think subconscious belly rubbing is a bad thing, but when it is brought to my attention I all of a sudden have an urge to control my belly rubbing. It is kind of like when someone tells you not to blink and then all you can think about is blinking. I don't know what causes me to want to rub my belly. Maybe I just need a reminder that he is still in there. Or maybe I feel like he knows somehow that I am rubbing my belly for him. Who knows the reason behind it, all I know is that my shirts are going to start getting holes in them around my belly area with all this rubbing thats been going on. Here is my proof that my belly popped out..

22 weeks 3 days

love, the williams

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