Monday, April 8, 2013


*WARNING:this may contain pregnancy TMI...

pre-pregnancy sneezes were some of my favorite things. i love to sneeze, it's an odd thing to love, but it feels so good. i am not a one and done sneezer either. it is more of like a three strikes your out kind of deal i have going on. it was great before i got pregnant, i looked forward to that third and final sneeze. it was usually the best one and i always knew it would be the end..
until i got pregnant!

pregnancy sneezing is something to be feared. you never know when it is going to strike. this is the only time i have ever wished to be a one and done sneezer. no one ever says, "oh pregnancy is going to be wonderful, and when you sneeze you will probably pee a little!" uhh what?! thanks for the heads up friends and family. i am now living in perpetual fear of my third sneeze. three strikes your out has a whole new meaning now. i can handle the first two sneezes unscathed, but it is that dastardly third sneeze that gets me every time. then comes the admission... i just peed a little...

the williams

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